Born in Japan’s capital, Tokyo, Maruyama set his sights on a career in fashion from a young age, and after leaving school, he attended the prestigious fashion college, Bunka, graduating in 1987. As a hotly tipped new designer, he was immediately snapped up by the Japanese Designer Company where he worked as a designer for three years, until he decided to strike out on his own as a freelance, working with some of Japan’s leading musicians and actresses.
Starting his own namesake label in 1994, Maruyama immediately gained critical acclaim. At the Mainchi Fashion Grand Prix he was awarded the Newcomer Prize, and the following year, he made his Paris Fashion Week début again to much critical acclaim.
Unlike many of his contemporaries, Maruyama is a designer is at his best with the simple, more elegant side of fashion. He has experimented with a more radical style, in 2006 his line was a mash-up of styles and colours unlike anything he had done before, but compared to the reception his usual designs got, the critical feedback was unfavourable. This didn’t deter Maruyama, who saw this as a learning opportunity, and he was soon back to doing what he does best in 2008, with a collection that was stylish and practical, and oozed a feminine elegance that was simply beautiful. Particular praise was heaped upon his knitwear and fringes, as well as the clean lines present throughout his designs.
Maruyama continues to produce such wonderful collections, as well as receive critical praise. His clothing can be purchased at his flagship store in Aoyama, Tokyo, as well as at selected department stores and boutiques in Japan and around the world. Keita Maruyama’s presence on the world fashion seen looks set to grow and grow.